So long 2017!

Kyoto Japan Travel Landscape Photography Charmaine Wu Singapore

Photography is a way of feeling.

Sometimes, a photograph makes me feel something that I can’t quite put down in words. This was a sight I witnessed on my second last day in Kyoto this month.

It was a bitter sweet moment, and it sums up this year perfectly - going through a difficult and trying time after I left behind a stable job to pursue photography, but feeling like it’s the best year of my adult life because I spent one-third of the year travelling, experiencing all 4 seasons of the year with a very supportive partner alongside every step of the way. 

Live your life the way you want to, because “there is no such thing as conventional wisdom, it is only people’s beliefs that are getting in the way of their imagination.” So who is to say that your way is the wrong way? 

Happy 2018 all!