Cherry blossoms in Singapore


Catching Sakuras overseas is tough.

First, it’s hard to time a trip to coincide with the blooming season. Plus cherry blossoms only bloom for one to two weeks, making it even tougher.

So if you haven’t been able to see them overseas, you can catch them at the Sakura Blossom into the night floral display at Gardens by the Bay.

I went there on a Monday and the crowd was manageable. It got more crowded towards the afternoon, so go there in the morning to avoid the crowd. But if you want to see the light up – the garden is illuminated with paper lanterns after sundown – time your visit for 7pm.

The Sakura floral display is on from 22 March - 21 April 2024. But don’t wait too long to visit, because cherry blossoms have a short lifespan.

Sharing some photos I took. :)

(The cherry blossoms are whiter than I thought they’d be.)

By the way, if you’re like me and don’t know how to differentiate between a cherry blossom and a peach blossom, you’ll find this useful.