Going with the feel: Photographing in a slow town


What if we shoot without restricting ourselves to all the rules of photography?

A few months ago, I attended a wedding in Yong Peng, Johor Bahru. Instead of bringing my XT2 that I use all the time for work, I decided to go with my XE2s. 

It was a simpler camera, with lesser dials and fewer accessible controls. A camera that slows me down while shooting (in a good way), and helps me see the world differently. With the XT2, I'm usually in "work" mode. I shoot faster and much more cautiously. But with the XE2s, I'm less concerned with the technicalities of photography. Instead, I just go with the feel - even sharpness and framing becomes secondary. Motion blur? Not an issue. Grainy? Even better - I like grain, especially those produced by film cameras.

I use my XE2s like how I would with my film camera. It's the camera that slows me down, allows me to concentrate on moments, and shoot more freely.

If you're always shooting with the technicalities of photography in mind, try putting them aside for a day. Have fun looking out for moments and just go with the feel. You might be pleasantly surprised with the photos you get at the end of the day.